The Transport, Automotive and Logistics industries are some of the most exciting places to be in right now. With the B word keeping us all on our toes and technology being released which is set to change the industry more in the next 5 years than it has in the last 25, there is so much to look forward to.
Now it's no secret that these industries are traditionally male dominated - just like there are other industries that are dominated by females (just to be diplomatic) - but I think it's great to have the FTA Everywoman Awards each year to promote the number of opportunities in the industry and try to change the perception that people tend to have.
I have had many conversations with my clients where they are excited by the diversification of their workforce and want to encourage more women to join the automotive arena. And with incredible statistics claiming that gender diverse workforces are 46% more likely to outperform those without, it’s something that many businesses are adopting such as Marshalls Motor Group and CarWow.
I will be keeping an eye out for the nominees for the 2019 awards and can’t wait to read about some of the success stories in the industry.

“Each year our awards play a vital role in changing the perception of the transport and logistics industry. “With each success story shared by our nominees, more women are inspired to explore the variety of fulfilling careers in this ever-evolving industry. "This year, we are highlighting the role that technology plays in creating even more opportunities in the industry and how this identifies the need for many different skills. And because we know that businesses with a more gender diverse workforce are 46% more likely to outperform those without, it is imperative that more women enter the industry.”
Read the original article here