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Would you run 52 miles for your Xmas dinner?

By Pie Recruitment

Naive over indulgers look away!

Question - if you knew what it would take to burn off your food, would you consume less? Researchers say you would! 

And yes, it's true. You really would have to run 2 marathons to work off the 'average' Christmas dinner (which reportedly contains 5,200 calories). 

Am I still going to eat my Christmas dinner? Absolutely.

Am I going to run 2 marathons on Boxing Day? No. Absolutely not. Not even if I wanted to. 

Saying that I will go for the obligatory Boxing Day walk. But apparently, my family 1 hour walk will only work off a single slice of turkey, 3 roast potatoes and 1 pig in blanket. 

I do think that labelling our food with this information would be a helpful adjustment food companies could make to help us make better choices. For example, how many of us go for a walk and then 'treat ourselves' with a chocolate bar because let's face it, we deserve it after that 20 minute stroll. Turns out to burn off that bar we need to double that 20 minute walk. 

The article below and are a good read if you're hoping not to become a pig in a blanket over the festive season. 

Anyway, I'm off to train for my Boxing Day double marathon. 

Merry Christmas!

Food packs should display how much exercise a person would need to take to burn off the calories contained in the product, UK researchers say. Appreciating it would take four hours to walk off the calories in a pizza or 22 minutes to run off a chocolate bar creates an awareness of the energy cost of food, they say.

Read the original article here
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