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I think I deserve a medal...

By Sarah Wixon

Or some sort of award anyway.

I'm reminded that this week marks 20 years since I first started working with Will Gardner - and Alan Fecamp as well for that matter.

Will and I started work on the same day back at the Daniel Williams Consultancy in 2001, where Alan was already working and I can say - with total certainty - that I didn't see this day coming back then. Will was joining the business as a Recruitment Consultant, Alan was heading up the B2B Sales team and I joined as the Adminstration Manager. I could never have predicted how it would all turn out.

We've been through plenty since then - taking the old business through some massive changes, some good, some less so - culminating in setting up PIE some 7 years ago and happily bringing Alan's Just Digital business into the PIE fold in 2018. It's been many things (!) but dull certainly isn't one of them.

So Happy Work Anniversary you old buggers - here's to many more (although not another 20 please, I'm aiming to be out of here long before then!).

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