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The 5 reasons people REALLY quit their jobs

By Pie Recruitment

As a recruiter, I’ve asked the question, “Why are you open to new opportunities?” countless times and to my surprise, the reasons don’t vary that much. There seem to be only a handful of reasons people want to move on. So, being the attention lover that I am, I thought I would write about the main reasons I’ve come across and how to address this question when it's thrown your way by a hiring manager.

To my surprise money isn’t the top reason - or even the second or third reason I’ve come across. The most common reason people have told me they want to change jobs is for progression. “That’s just another way of saying money” I hear you shout. But actually many people I speak to are open to taking a side step or even a step backward in their career to join a company they can grow with.

The second most common reason is that many individuals I chat to have, after years dedicated to one company, found themselves just losing interest. It's not just the monotony but a deep-seated feeling of being undervalued that grinds at them. The passion they once had has slowly faded, overshadowed by the desire for recognition and new challenges. After all, who wants to pour their all into a role, only to feel like they're fading into the background?

The next reason goes pretty much hand in hand with the last, company culture. It’s crazy how a shift in culture or whispers of alternative ways other companies operate can make loyal employees consider jumping ship. After all, who wouldn't be curious when faced with tales of workplaces that seem almost alien compared to what they're used to?

Next, we land on a topic as old as time itself - money. You might be taken aback to hear it's only the fourth contender on my list. Despite the many other factors leading people to seek new pastures new, the prospect of a heavier pay packet remains a good enough incentive for many, proving that, at the end of the day, financial considerations still have a significant role in shaping career decisions.

Last, but by no means least, is the quest for work-life balance. Many people are initially drawn to roles with lucrative salaries, as they rightly should be. However, after relentless hours and relentless stress, the appeal of a little "me time" becomes ever more appealing!

So what should you say when a hiring manager enquires about your reason for seeking a new role and your answer is actually a bit underwhelming and predictable? Just be honest is the (unsurprising) answer to this question. Don’t go bad-mouthing your previous company - that’s never a good look - but being open and honest about why you want to move on is in your favour. If you’re leaving a job for a particular reason, you don’t want to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. Being honest will give the hiring manager the chance to explain how their company does things differently and in turn save you from making a decision you may later come to regret.

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle." —Steve Jobs

Read the original article here
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