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Recruitment Revelations: Six Tips for standing out on LinkedIn

By Pie Recruitment

Having only recently moved into the world of recruitment following many years working in Automotive, I want to share some basic tips I’ve learnt from being on the other side of the recruitment fence to get you noticed on LinkedIn. It's not as simple as hoping to stumble upon a great candidate through a tactful scroll through LinkedIn, unsurprisingly we’ve got an arsenal of tools and programs to narrow down our search to really pinpoint the best possible candidate and gain a behind the scenes view of your LinkedIn profile. So, what can you do to enhance your chances of being seen and approached?

Well, it’s always best to start with some basic housekeeping:

  • As silly as it sounds, ensuring all your details are up-to-date and correctly spelt is essential. When we use search criteria, an incorrect location could mean you get filtered out of the search radius and the same goes for misspelt companies and job titles (yes that’s more common than you think - with the most common being Manager/Manger). 
  • They say a picture tells a thousand words and a good LinkedIn pic will make you stand out amongst thousands of profiles. Your profile pic should be appropriate for a professional setting - yes Magaluf 2017 looked amazing but a pic of you with a watermelon on your head isn’t probably the first impression you want to give a potential employer.
  • It’s no secret that changing your profile to 'open to work' greatly increases your chances of being approached but also responding to all messages that are sent even if it’s to let someone know you’re not interested puts you in the “more likely to respond” category. This is a handy place to be when you’re ready to be approached. 
  • Blow your own trumpet if you have skills that would be appealing to a new employer - don’t be afraid to showcase them. 
  • Display your achievements with pride, you worked hard and earned that award or certificate. 
  • Requesting recommendations from your peers is a powerful tool. Nothing speaks louder than someone taking the time to write you a positive personal referral.

These are just the tip of the iceberg. There are countless other ways to improve your chances of being contacted by a recruiter about new opportunities. By paying attention to the details and putting your best foot forward, you could land your dream job before you know it.

If you're thinking about taking your career to the next level, hit me up at or on 07850 739178. Let's chat!

"Take the time to assess your skills, strengths, and career goals. It will help you identify the right opportunities and present yourself effectively to employers."

Read the original article here
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