As a recruiter we have the somewhat daunting task of trawling through hundreds of CV’s on a daily basis, so as you can imagine I get to see the good, the bad, and the down right ugly.
A common trend I find, is that candidates just don’t seem to sell themselves enough, as highlighted by Mark in the passage below. Everyone claims they have great leadership characteristics, they are passionate and want to earn money. Yes, to have all these characteristics is great and they are vital to success in roles within the sales profession. But when it comes down to it, tangible results and achievements are the things that will grab both mine and potential future employers' attention. What I’m really trying to say here is, show off and shout out your achievements, you will have worked hard to get them so make sure everyone knows about them!!!

On a daily basis, I find myself telling candidates that you need to differentiate yourself from the competition. What I mean by that, is that most Sales Directors, Heads of Sales etc have all heard that a candidate is passionate, driven, committed, ambitious and hungry for success. This is a given (or should be for any successful sales person) - however it is the tangible results that make the biggest impact and truly make you ‘stand out’ from other candidates. PIE Recruitment now has the ‘tangible’ results and we officially DO stand out in the recruitment market.
Read the original article here