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Cheeseus! What an egg-cellent idea.

By Pie Recruitment

Hallou-mi again.

Oh my gouda, you're not going to brie-lieve this, but Sainsbury's have only gone and done something revolutionary just in time for Easter. Honestly, it's a grate idea.

Say hello to the "Cheester" egg. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not filled with as much joy of stuffing my face full of chocolate as I would have been 15 years ago (my palate must have matured)! But the idea of stuffing my face with cheese, now I don't have to think so caerphilly about that one!

Really, can you get much feta than this? Okay I'll stop now, I just camembert it anymore!

It feels like chocolate is old hat this year, with novelty Easter eggs all the rage in 2019. We're still a few weeks away from Easter, but you can already buy everything from Marmite to Prosecco inspired eggs to celebrate the long weekend. So it probably comes as no surprise to find out you will be able to get your hands on an egg made entirely out of cheese - just in time for Easter.

Read the original article here
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