I stumbled across this article on my daily run through on Twitter, and it definitely caught my eye.
I’m a big fan of Instagram, but I’m not sure if I want people knowing my activity on the platform…I use it A LOT.
We’ve all been there, where we sent a message to a recipient 3 days ago on WhatsApp...that double blue tick is there, so you know they read it at 14:24 on the same day that you sent it, and said recipient was last online 20 minutes ago...and you still haven’t received a response. RUDE! But that’s just become the way our mentality works now. Hasn’t it?
I was actually having a conversation with my colleague the other day about how these things have changed so much, and not particularly for the better - we rely so heavily on social media & apps to converse with others. Back in the day, if you wanted to catch up with someone, you’d just pick up the bloody phone & actually talk! Not hang onto those two blue ticks!
But as the article states, this is becoming the norm. Facebook Messenger lets you know when your recipient has read your response. Snapchat goes one step further and lets your ‘friends’ know where you are at any given time…
Scary isn’t it?
Where will technology take us next?

People can now see how often you're using Instagram and when. The app has rolled out a new feature that allows your friends to see when you last opened it. If you're on at the moment they do, they'll see what you're doing. Such snooping is restricted only to people you follow and those that you've sent direct messages to in the past. But it is enabled by default and many people who are accidentally making their Instagram habits public might not even know it.
Read the original article here